Daily Greens 4-Day Cleanse: Jump Start Your Health, Reset Your Energy, and Look and Feel Better Than Ever

Book Blurb:

Shauna Martin, Daily Greens™ Founder discovered the phenomenal benefits of green juice after her diagnosis with breast cancer as a young mom over nine years ago. Her journey from disease to health then fueled her 
passion to advocate for juicing greens as part of a long-term healthy lifestyle and empower others to take control of their health through nutrition, beginning with the gentle Daily Greens™ 4-Day Cleanse.

Now available in the US, Shauna’s Daily Greens™ 4-Day Cleanse book breaks down anything and everything one may need to know about this safe and gentle cleanse. It also includes four Seasonal Cleanse Menus and 
collaboration with nutrition expert Lauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN.

Dedicated to all the young breast cancer warriors and in memory of all the fallen Cowgirls (young women who have lost their battle with breast cancer), 1% of the royalties from this book will be donated to programs that provide support and services to young women battling breast cancer, such as Young Survival Coalition.

Shauna Martin makes sticking to a multiple day cleanse as easily as possible – she provides menus, shopping lists, recipes, and all the equipment needed. She incorporates different juices and raw foods into everything as that is the foundation for her cleanse. And since raw is the key here, she advocates seasonal and organic. She was diagnosed with cancer and strove for a way to make sure she will be around for her family for years to come.

In her preface, Martin painfully details all the instances where her cancer may have originated – and that should be a wake up call for all readers. Pesticides and toxins are everywhere, from overly processed and packaged foods to make life easy, to the simple sprays gardeners use to give their vegetables an invisible shield from insects and pests. She gained insight from her research into cancer and also studying Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Cancer series.

She shares her formula for a perfect green juice: 2 parts sweet juicy greens, 1 part fruit, 2/3 part dark green leafy greens, and 1/3 part fresh herb. Create your own with your juicer with what you have at home.

In her cookbook, you’ll find everything you’ll need to successfully tackle a cleanse. And if you are looking for a super easy way to do the green juice thing, she chronicles how she started her company Daily Greens producing juices that are now available coast to coast.

Great book for those mildly thinking of doing a multi-day cleanse. It is simpler than you thought.

Book Information:

Disclosure: This book was provided by the publisher and any opinions are my own.


    Renee Shelton
    The Cookbook Papers
    +Renee Shelton
    Twitter: @121degreesC